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Berliner Philharmoniker & Kirill Petrenko: Mahler

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Without Mahler's music the repertoire of the Berliner Philharmoniker would not be possible, and that remains the case under its brand new chief conductor Kiriil Petrenko. Mahler was so inspired by the poetry of Rückert that for many years he didn’t set another author to music. These five songs touch the very core of the Romantic body of thought, with, as a climax, the haunting Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen. So powerful was the sung word for Mahler that he added a colossal orchestral song to the finale of his Fourth Symphony. Elisabeth Kulman and Christiane Karg lend their voices to these great emotions.

Informacje praktyczne


Rückert Lieder Gustav Mahler
Symphony no. 4 Gustav Mahler


Berliner Philharmoniker – Kirill Petrenko conductor – Elisabeth Kulman mezzo‐soprano – Christiane Karg soprano

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