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Yan Huichang


Yan Huichang was appointed Music Director of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in June 1997, and was involved in the development of the Orchestra through its incorporation and in preparation for its Silver Jubilee season. He was named Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Orchestra in October 2003. In 2004, Yan was awarded a Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS) by the Chief Executive of HKSAR in recognition of his remarkable achievements in Chinese music and for his efforts in promoting Chinese music. In 2008, he won the Jurors’ Award for Conducting at the 6th China Gold Record Awards – Multi Arts Category. In 2009, he was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the HKAPA, and also appointed a Visiting Scholar of the Academy’s School of Music and conducted master classes in Conducting. In May 2010, Yan was presented the Overseas Award for Music at the 51st Literary and Art Works Awards of the Chinese Writers' & Artists'

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