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Michael Fuerst


The harpsichordist Michael Fuerst was born in 1967 in Madison, Wisconsin, where he studied church music, mathematics and German. He afterwards continued his musical studies at the Eastman School of Music, taking harpsichord tuition with Arthur Haas and assisting the lutenist Paul O'Dette. A Fulbright Scholarship enabled him to study with Michael Behringer and Robert Hili at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg. In addition to performing in numerous concerts across the world and making CD recordings with ensembles Iike Musica Antiqua Köln conducted by Reinhard Goebel for Deutsche Grammophon and Organum Classics, he previously taught at the Dresden Academy for Early Music and now teaches regularly at the International Summer Course in Neuf‐Brisach in France. Michael Fuerst is also a musicologist and worked at the University of Würzburg on a research project financed by the German Science Foundation into German instrumental music of the seventeenth century. At present he is writing his doctorate on a hand‐written source from the seventeenth century.

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