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Fadia el Hage


Born in Beirut, Lebanon, Fadia el‐Hage started her musical career at the age of fourteen, as a singer with the Rahbani brothers and Fairouz. She also worked as an actor in Lebanese television and movies. 1984 she graduated from the University of Lebanon with a degree in psychology. With her husband she emigrated to Germany where she studied voice at the Richard Strauss Conservatory at Munich, obtaining a diploma in 1990.
Since 1990 she is performing as a soloist in the ensembles Sarband, Vox and L'Orient Imaginaire, specializing in Medieval and Mediterranean singing. 1994 she returned to Lebanon, where, since her break‐through concert at the 1998 Festival of Baalbeck, she is considered as one of the major singers in the Arab world.

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