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Dijon Opera Chorus


Com­po­sed of 22 per­ma­nent lyric ar­tists and sup­ple­men­ted with free­lance sin­gers for large pro­duc­tions, the Dijon Opera Cho­rus was crea­ted in 2001 to per­form the major works of the re­per­toire. The Cho­rus re­gu­larly works with pres­ti­gious or­ches­tral and choir conduc­tors, in­clu­ding Ro­berto Rizzi Bri­gnoli, Pas­cal Ver­rot, Da­niel Kawka, Pa­trick Ayr­ton, Tho­mas Rösner, among others. It par­ti­ci­pates in concerts and lyric pro­duc­tions, in works from the re­per­toire ran­ging from the 18th cen­tury to the first half of the 20th cen­tury. Among the Dijon Opera Cho­rus’ pro­jects is the pre­mie­ring and in­ter­pre­ta­tion of contem­po­rary works, in par­ti­cu­lar works writ­ten by Brice Pau­set, com­po­ser‐in‐re­si­dence at the Dijon Opera.

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