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Armero & Nomoto: 30 Minutes of Classic in Barcelona

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30 Minutes of Classic in Barcelona offers a musical intermezzo in the bustling heart of the city.

Outstanding musicians perform a variety of programmes, covering a wide range of periods and styles, from Baroque to Contemporary music.

Enjoy wonderful music in the unique setting of the History Museum of the City of Barcelona.

Alfredo Armero and Akiko Nomoto, piano four hands.

6 & 8pm
X. Montsalvatge
Three Divertimentos:
Decisive (as chotis)
Dolce (in the form of habanera)
Vivo (in the form of vouchers‐J)

M. Ravel
Rapsodie espagnole:
Prelude to nuit

I. Stravinsky
Fair carnival
Stay of Petrushka
Stay Moro
Carnival Fair (Evening)

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