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Andrea Chénier: Opera in Bilbao

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American tenor Gregory Kunde sings the title role in Umberto Giordano's 'Andrea Chénier' at the Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao, with Italian soprano Anna Pirozzi as Maddalena de Coigny.


Conductor: Stefano Ranzani
Stage director: Alfonso Romero
Choir Master: Boris Dujin
Production: ABAO‐OLBE — Festival de Peralada

Andrea Chénier: Gregory Kunde
Maddalena de Coigny: Anna Pirozzi
Carlo Gérard: Ambrogio Maestri
La comtesse di Coigny: Elena Zilio
Roucher: Manel Esteve
The Abbé/The Incredible: Francisco Vas
Bersi: Mireia Pintó
Mathieu: Fernando Latorre
P. Fleville / F. Tinville: Jose Manuel Díaz
Schmidt / Dumas: Gexan Etxabe

Bilbao Symphony Orchestra
Choir Ópera de Bilbao

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