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Danube Symphony Orchestra with Cimbalom Show





多瑙交响乐团交响乐团演出历史可追溯到1961年。 当时他们大胆引用了匈牙利传统民族乐器-扬琴到欧洲古典音乐会中。 演出首场即获得了无数的好评,被誉为古典与民族的最佳结合。多瑙交响乐团的扬琴演奏会是匈牙利最正宗的演奏。



4.8 of 5

  • Kari V., Finland

    07月 2012年

    Orchestra was great an we liked especially the arrangements. Also the conductor was very good and gave space for solo performances.

  • Hermann H., Germany

    01月 2012年

    Schöne Location, musikalisch gelungen

  • elizabeth l., Canada

    10月 2011年

    We loved it Perhaps there could be one line for ticket purchase and one for ticket pickup as there seemed to be several people not too busy, Liz

  • Kari T., Finland

    10月 2011年

    It was first time to be in consert, we have living now one year in Hungary and we are sure, that we are coming to consert again with our geasts from Finland

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