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  • Börse Palais, Vienna, Austria
    Börse Palais, Vienna, Austria

Börse Palais

Vienna, Austria

The Wiener Börse AG is a stock exchange in Vienna, Austria and one of the most established exchanges in Eastern‐ and Southeastern Europe.

Wiener Börse is one of the world's oldest exchanges and was founded in 1771 during the reign of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria in order to provide a market for state issued Bonds.


Börse Palais, Wipplingerstrasse 34, A‐1010 Vienna, Austria, Google Maps


Ascensore: Sì

Aria condizionata: Sì

Eventi trovati per Börse Palais

  • Orchestra della Residenza di Vienna: Mozart e Strauss

    Orchestra della Residenza di Vienna: Mozart e Strauss

    Vienna, Börse Palais

    + ulteriori date

    1 h 30 min
    $ 60