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  • Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao
    Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao
  • Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao
    Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao
  • Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao
    Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao

Palacio Euskalduna

Bilbao, España

The Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall (Euskalduna Jauregia, in Basque) is located in the city of Bilbao, in the Basque Country (Spain), beside the Estuary of Bilbao, built in part of the area that was formerly occupied by the Euskalduna shipyards.

It was designed by architects Federico Soriano and Dolores Palacios and work started in 1994. It was opened in February 1999 and contains a variety of spaces, functioning as a conference center, opera house and concert hall. In 2003 it was declared by the International Congress Palace Association as the world's best congress center.

It is located on the zone of Abandoibarra, near the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.


Palacio Euskalduna, Avenida Abandoibarra, 4, 48011 Bilbao, España, Google Maps


Ascensor: Sí

Aparcamiento: Sí

Aire acondicionado: Sí

Eventos encontrados para Palacio Euskalduna

  • La Bohème: Ópera de Bilbao

    La Bohème: Ópera de Bilbao

    Bilbao, Palacio Euskalduna

    + más fechas

    $ 103